
I offer tailored services to every business by making sure that I work with you in building and delivering a strong customer experience!

How i can improve your customer experience>

The hard question is here. I use my strong Sales, Marketing and customer experience background of selling jewelry. You know right how hard it can be to sell that perfect design. Yes that’s it. This is where I built my knowledge of anticipating customer needs and providing exceptional customer experience


I bring experience of research and gap analysis while working with Swisse, Hungry Souls, small and micro businesses. Understanding your customer and how they make the buying decision is key for Small and Micro business


My Expertise


Embedding technology

Learn how devices or a software can make your day easier. Technology will help you work smarter and not harder.


Understanding the role of metrics

Learn how your daily metrics of product sold or services sold can help your achieve more and generate more revenue


How to sell your story

Learn how to sell your story and make customer attracted to your business. Selling them a story as to why your business is unique. 


Understanding your customer

Understanding the buying process of your customer. What entices them to choose your product/services?


Gap analysis with business processes

Analysing  business processes compared to your competitors and minimise the gap to build a competitive advantage


Execution of strategies

I’ll help you to execute strategeis based on gap analysis of business processes.