Purpose of Life

I came across a quote from Jim Carrey, “What’s fascinating is that hardly anyone is wondering what we’re actually doing on this planet. Most accepted the work-eat-entertainment-sleep cycle as life and have no desire for a deeper understanding of our purpose in life.”

I assume it’s a very hard question to answer for all of us. It made me think of my purpose in life and I felt lost as I haven’t served my purpose. When we think of having that house, job, car… Is that really a purpose?

Is financial stability and job satisfaction – the purpose of life? Maybe we’ll be CEO, Directors, Managers or Entrepreneurs someday or the ones who are already in this position. We’ll have loads of money and multiple businesses and income sources but we still would not know the purpose of life. I believe, our purpose lies in serving the humanity and maybe I’m wrong as people can have their perspective. We see many businesses and professionals today are responsible for the Corporate social responsibility but how many of us feel the purpose behind it? We really need to ask ourselves on individual basis as to what is the purpose of life because the stories I have heard and read concludes that we’ll have financial stability in life, we’ll have the best job, we’ll have the best partner who is supportive.We’ll have everything in life but we can still be lost in finding that purpose. We need to delve deeper in understanding this concept.

I believe the answer lies within us. After delving deep into this concept, I realised purpose of life for me is to; motivate people, make them smile and let them know that I trust them; connect with spirituality; give back to the community. Ask yourself; what made you happy or felt like you have achieved something in life and I can assure you that it would not be the number of businesses you successfully run or the projects that you completed under budget. It’s much more than our ordinary life… exploring places, birth of your daughter/son and seeing them happy and successful in life or helping/volunteering with all your heart to the ill patients or spending time with parents or just having a chat with an old person. We do not realise how much power all these moments have in our life. Purpose of life can be in any given form of life. Our happiness and peace lie in that purpose. I hope and pray that we all recognise that purpose in life. Paul Coelho quotes, “Maybe this journey isn’t about becoming something but maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”

We all have a purpose to serve in this life. So, if you have the power to make someone smile, DO IT!!! You’ll be at peace knowing that you’re on the path towards realising your potential purpose. Don’t overthink life but enjoy the small moments. We’re on this incredibly beautiful journey of life so no matter how things change for good or bad, we shall remain faithful and grateful for the opportunities we had and would have in future. 

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