Let’s reconnect with our lost passions in the game of life!

I always had this thought of posting something. Been writing for while and finally posting something out of my diary and I feel it will inspire all of us!

In the moment of hardships like these, we’re exposed to such vulnerability and we come out as the kindest human beings ever. Imagine leading a life with that mindset. As humans, we’re programmed to think and carry out things in a definite way. From the moment you wake up to the way your coffee tastes and the way you carry out the rest of the day. Mostly it remains the same. We have become a circumstantial human being.

Moments like this define us! Imagine living a day with so much compassion for each other and appreciating what’s beside us! We get so blinded by our thoughts and work that we stop thinking and appreciating what’s beside us. Think about how you can connect with spirituality! How you can connect with your inner self! Let’s look back and appreciate and see how things have unfolded at the right times. Let’s appreciate the almighty powers in protecting us from evil things. Make this moment count so that when we get back to normal life again, we’re aware of our surroundings and connected with our inner soul.

This is such a wonderful time that mother nature has provided us to breathe in and think of how we can lead our life ahead. I’m sure we all have different scenarios in life but eventually in a moment like this kindness goes a long way!

We have realised how important it is to live the present moment with the people we care about and love. It is so important to reflect on things and make it right. Make sure you use this time to cherish memories, re-connect with yourself, share the laughter, say sorry to the ones you’ve hurt, if you like someone just say it. As humans, we need to make things easy and not complicate it. Your heart should be free and not be filled up with fear. In this meantime, let’s decide to be that person, I’m pretty sure we humans can pretty much overcome any problems in our life if we all try to be compassionate and spread the love!

As humans we need love in tough times, we need someone to help us out. It was the only way mother nature could ask us to stop. Let’s leave behind the conspiracy and wrongdoings. Let’s look at the positive side and how it has brought us closer to our loved ones.

So, let’s be in this together, let’s make it happen, let’s help the ones who are in need, let’s spend time with the ones you never had and let’s make this lock-down as one of the beautiful memories in our life. You never fail when go out of the way and make things happen. It’s time to reconnect with ourselves and ask ourselves what we like and the things we want from our life. Let’s reconnect with our lost passions in the game of life!

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