About Me

Great Fan of Elon Musk!

"When Something is important enough you do it even if the Odds are not in your Favor."

"I think it is possible for Ordinary people to choose to be Extraordinary."

Elon Musk

I’m a great fan of Elon Musk and I live by the above quotes. The idea of starting TouchCX was inspired while listening to one of his interview where he states ‘People should pursue what they’re passionate about. That will make them happier than pretty much anything else.’ Working with businesses and helping them achieve traction in the market is what I’m passionate about in my life. 

I’m a passionate entrepreneurial thinker who loves understanding the why behind every situation and takes great interest in understanding human psychology. 

I’d say I’m not a perfect person but I call myself a perfectionist when it comes to business. I’m born into family that has been doing business for last 80 years. You see this is where my passion comes from! I started my first online business at the age 0f 20. 

Where i've studied?

Interesting question right?
Glad I finished my studies!
Bachelor of Business (Finance) 2013- 2016
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2018-2019)

Where I've worked

previously I have worked with Swinburne University, Swisse, iMOVE, The Fox Tan and with my family business.

How I spend my time?

Follow Me
  • Discuss business ideas.
  • Write about mysteries of life.
  • Spend time by the beach.
  • Learn new languages (currently learning German and French)
  • Explore cafes for a good coffee (P.s I love my coffee)
  • Try crazy work discipline. Recently I tried living like Elon Musk for a week.

I’m enthusiastic person who is always up for adventure and has the innate drive to make things happen. I have a strong passionate personality which allows me to think creatively. 

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Projects Done
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Happy Clients

Great attention to detail!

I innovate to bring new possibilities in your Small or Micro business

Great customer experience is made of speed, convenience, consistency and friendliness. Let’s add technology to humanise the process and add value to the customer. If you provide great customer experience, your customers will buy more and be loyal to the business. 


I'm Specialized In understanding customers psychology and business processes.

Customer needs keeps on changing so it’s important to anticipate the key trends and what the customer thinks about your products and services.

I’m here to enable and work with you during the process so that we can make your business generate more customers. In the moment of isolation, human experience has been very important. Your customer experience will transform the way you interact with customers at each touchpoint. 

This is a perfect time to work on your customer experience. Post-Pandemic customers would demand more from the businesses. It is this point where you can create a competitive advantage over your competitors. Let’s get in touch so that we can make optimum use of this golden time!